What light is on your skin?
Light is energy. What are you consuming? Natural sunlight, or blue-heavy artificial light sources? Rebalance with curated LED to offset the artificial light of the modern world.

Color Benefits
Near Infrared - Invisible to the eye, collagen boosting & wound repairing.
Red - Cellular repair, may reduce melanoma as well as migraines.
Yellow - Reduce redness, brightens skin
Green - Energizing, treats migraine
Blue - Surface sanitizing

Combine Colors
Using multiple colors together enhances the effect of nearby color wavelengths as the LED enters the skin.

Wavelength Depths
LED wavelengths penetrate to different depths of the skin, producing a variety of benefits.
When used in tandem, a longer wavelength will boost the benefits of the shorter one.

Hair Growth Cycle
Hair follicles have active growth, followed by rest and then new growth. When using LED for hair growth, you may experience thin initial growth that falls out and is replaced by stronger hair. Clients see strong results around week 16 of daily use.