The Start of Something You

Technology & products inspired by nature to rejuvenate your body. Glow naturally, from the inside out.
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Refresh Sauna Blanket

Cushioned low-emf infrared heat sauna blanket to refresh and revive anywhere!

Use your Vitality PEMF mat for 20-30 minutes before your sauna session (25-40 minutes) for a complete spa experience.

Infrared Healing Therapy

Our infrared body wrap can be used to accelerate muscle recovery or wound healing anywhere it's needed.
Post-recovery, post-surgery, or just for daily soreness, using the Infrared Body Wrap for 20-30 minute sessions will kickstart your healing.

The Healtheory

Reclaim your health with modalities & products that support healthy living. Heal from EMF exposure, processed food consumption, blue light exposure and give your life new energy, naturally.